Today is Friday party people. Hope you have a good weekend. Here again a little update:.

24 Feb 2023, 12:49
Today is Friday party people. Hope you have a good weekend. Here again a little update: 1. We finalized the statement of work for the smart contract development of the leverage looping. Development of it has started yesterday. This is a 'new feature' we are developing and is the only new thing we are doing. Next to the leverage looping, we want to spend some time on reviewing and updating some things on liquidations, burning of receipt tokens and price oracles. We are also reviewing which components we need to redeploy as with the structural changes since beginning of January, we have some contract ownerships and wallets to swap out in the current deployed version. 2. We had a good call with the Frontend and Integration dev yesterday. We discussed seven different things the person will work on for the v2 release. Those are: a. Reviewing the current Chisel Frontend and match it with the design files b. Reviewing the Chisel integration status after the audit fixes from 2 weeks ago c. Improve screen loading time for the Borrow/Lending pages d. Give feedback on how numbers are calculated on the app page as some of them are not intuitive to understand. e. Do Frontend for Leverage Loop when design is ready f. Do Integration for Leverage Loop when code ready. g. Do UX/UI improvements after we have reviewed it with a designer 3. As mentioned under g. we won't do a new design or frontend in general, as we have more important things to focus on right now. But we want to take the low hanging fruits and improve them as they will have some good impact on the usability of the product. 4. We have setup a task board for the v2 release. Currently there are roughly 50 tasks in there to complete to reach the milestone. At the end I expect that this amount will double to 100. All critical tasks which a necessary for the release are in there and already to some degree broken down. Missing tasks are important but not critical ones (for example finally making me available to post links here... lol) 5. Team status is healthy. No changes new comers or leavers since I have reported the last time. Only addition will be a design capability. We have tried to get a designer who didn't confirm so far, so we will reach out to potential alternatives. For the development roles we are quite confident that we have a solid and good team on part-time capabilities available which will be able to ship v2 finally. 6. On the audit side of things we will wait for the delivery of the leverage looping code and audit the Chisel fixes and the leverage looping together as this will be more cost efficient. Obviously we are take a risk into account that if more updates for the Chisel fixes are needed that a delay could happen but until now we are hopeful that this is a tiny risk we are just taking. I hope until next time, I can create sth. like a diagram to attach on the major delivery points to visualize statuses here more easily, so not everyone has to read a wall of text. 🙂